Cessy’s Daughter


What’s in a name…and what’s in a face?
The title of the album bears two hours.
One to my mother, Rev. Cessy Mosunmola Ogunanaike, who bore me in her womb, holds me in her heart and carries me in her shoulders when my feet can no longer move. I thank and honour her for fight, her strong value system, her determination consistently to better self and right wrongs and the stillness of her heart when her blood boils over. A lot of her courses through me; thank God it makes me smile. I bear her name in my veins and her on mine. May God bless the parents whose children are proud to bear their name.
The second is to Women all over the world. As she is my Mother, I am also a woman and in the last 10 years or more I have really listened to and felt the pulse of women of different races, tribe and culture who have “gone through” and are still on that journey. Their tears and fears have been written all over my heart and like veins, they stretch through the world connecting stories with one unified voice “We seek peace. Of heart, of mind and of body”.
The album expresses a journey collected over the years and told as from Woman or Mother herself, her child and her kin. It says, without words, that we are all Mother…regardless of being with physical child or not, and we all feel the heartbeat of our kind. That we are not self-absorbed and have enough left to reach out and hold one and another, until wars are win into quiet.
It is a warm hug to all Women, saying “Well done. I walk with you on this worn out path and, in the end, it will be alright. Just hang in there.”
I hope it will bring a woman somewhere, and all who love her, pure joy.
Hugs and Kisses,
Donna Ogunnaike

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